subject/subjects recommended by faculty.
Tutor group,
individual, or drop-in sessions.
Attend tutor
training meetings.
Tutor keeps daily
notes of each tutoring sessions. These
records include attendance, progress of tutees, and content area tutored.
Tutor documents
each group and each individual tutoring session on the lined Student Record paper. Notes are made of
material covered, absences, and evaluation of tutees’ efforts and progress.
Keeps supervisor
informed concerning any change in tutee’s status, such as a reassignment of a
tutor or a class withdrawal. Tutors
inform supervisor when tutee needs removed from group session and given
individual tutoring.
Tutor refers to Faculty Resource book to schedule
appointments with individual faculty member when necessary.
Tutors may cancel
a session, but they must notify supervisor before the absence in a timely
At the end of
each semester or when tutees discontinue tutoring services, tutors request that
their tutees fill out an Exit Survey;
the surveys are filled out in the Center to ensure that they are completed and
returned. The surveys serve as an
evaluation of the tutor and Center’s services.
Tutors receive
evaluations each semester.